When properly selected literature learning process should be very exciting - it's not boring grammar exercises. Interesting book you can take with you on vacation, or look through it while standing in the public transport traffic. And time will fly faster and obvious benefits. With proper practice, you do not have to be afraid of difficult dialogues on highly specialized topics.
What book to choose?
Children's literature in English is very diverse. Not very well chosen book may require the reader to a high level of training and, therefore, the reading will be tedious and your child can quickly get bored. Optimally start with entry level children's literature. Read nursery rhymes and children's poems. Even if they have solid age, but these are loved by children today. For example, kittens, lost gloves, more than four hundred years, and the three wise men in the same basin was considered appropriate back in the sixteenth century. Popular Mother Goose in English verse speaks exclusively.
No morals, only contagious laughter and a little respect for the readers.Without it Childhood is impossible.
British valued family above all else, so their good books for children are smart and interesting. Remember, some English writers you know from childhood, and select one of these works in English. Most likely, you do not even need a dictionary to understand what is in them.
For example, you can pay attention to the following well-known authors of the book:
Features English worksExcluding works with a strong romantic beginning, the whole British children's literature can be described as follows.
Almost all children's works in English are imbued with subtle lyricism, light gentleman irony, sometimes even slip of satire. Gorky characterized this feature as a desire to turn inside out all the usual and ordinary and replace it with a fantastic story, alogism. Sometimes it seems absurd, but this is more fun. Takes great effort to convey all these colors in any other language, the more valuable your desire the more you become familiar with the original.
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