Learning The Past Tense Look at these verbs: Present(Today)talkwalk play laugh help ask answer shout finish lookPast Tense:(Yesterday)talkedwalkedplayedlaug…
Learning The Past Tense Look at these verbs: Present(Today)talkwalk play laugh help ask answer shout finish lookPast Tense:(Yesterday)talkedwalkedplayedlaug…
Let us know about proposal writing: What is proposal writing? Proposal writing can be defined as a formal piece of writing, which is written to gain support for planning through information. Mostly, …
An Ode To Death Your ode to death is in the lifting of a single eyebrow. Lift it and see. (Conrad Aiken) Death is more than certain, says e.e Cummings, But the clocks go on ticking as before And in …
The 8 English Parts of Speech Today we will talk about parts of speech in English learning. These are the words that you use to make a sentence. So there are thousands of words in any language. But n…